Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How does your garden grow - Part 1

I planted the roses yesterday. The original plan was to put them on the east side of the house but later I thought they might be better in the back, which gets sun the whole day, so that's where they've gone. I am still deciding on where to plant the climbing rose. For the east side, I have gotten some more flowering perennials - spinea, and another one with blue blooms. I also got some clematis. That will go in the back next to the roses. I can't wait for bloom time! I need to get the hydrangeas from the nursery. They'll go on the east as well. I put a few ferns in the front in big planters. I am a fern-lover. If I could, I would have a garden full of ferns. The front of our house gets very little sun (North) so that should be good for them.

The wind was blowing so they look a bit weird.

So apart from gardening, I've been stitching a lot the past 2 days. Not much else going on. I'll share the garden pictures once it looks reasonable. Right now everything's such a mess.

One more picture before I go - how cute would this photo be for the goofball's room?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your stitching is gorgeous, what a lovely pattern.

I love the picture of your sweet boy, too.

I so love seeing spring pictures of yards, and your ferns are gorgeous. I don't have much success with ferns but I sure like how they look.