Thursday, June 29, 2006


Finally had a chance to backup all the scrapbooking supplies and the layouts I had done so far. Made 7 cds. I'm trying to come up with a good way to organize everything. I had kept the layouts as PSD files, and they were huge.. 50-100 MB each! For backups, I just flattened them into JPEGs. Still deciding if I should keep the PSDs or not.

I have added a couple of recent layouts in the sidebar. The black one is actually my first scraplift, original is here Love it.

Found some new freebie sites so I've been downloading slowly. They've been added to the links.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bought some pretties

Nancie's Quiet Love element pack, Nancie's Doodle-Y-Doo Silly Doodles and Michelle Coleman's Art Papers - Color Harmony. All from ScrapArtist. LOVE them! I can't wait to get back home and try them all.

In non-scrapbooking news, I just purchased some more of Tarla Dalal's cookbooks. I have a bunch of her books and those are the only ones that I refer to routinely. The recipes are easy and ingredients not hard to find. Love it. Another plus, all vegetarian recipes, which is great since I'm vegetarian and DH eats selective meats. This time I reached for her health series books. They'll be shipped from Bombay, though, and will reach here in 20 days. Can't wait.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Stitching again

I haven't really stitched much in the last couple of months since I've been on extended-vacation ha! It's weird that when I had loads of time at home, I didn't feel like stitching, and now that I'm working again, I've started stitching. What's the correlation there?

I had stitched a gift for a friend in April (which they LOVED), but since then I haven't touched stitching. Yesterday, we had planned to go on a picnic with friends but it rained. We had already finished all our regular weekend tasks in anticipation of the picnic, so I found myself some free time! So, I stitched. I was going through my projects and found TW's Harvest Sampler, which I didn't even remember starting. Mommy brain :-) I put in a few lazy daizys and some eyelets. The sampler is full of them but they look so pretty. I haven't taken a picture of it but here is what it will look like when it's completed - TW Harvest Sampler

Friday, June 23, 2006

Left and Right Sidebars

I've added some links to the right sidebar. I'll continue adding new ones, so check back often.

Also, on the left sidebar, I've added a place to put my latest layouts. The links would take you to my gallery at Scrapartist.

I use a free image hosting site so the bandwidth is limited. If you do not see any images, it's probably because I've gone over the bandwidth quota. Please be patient while I work out some better arrangement.

I'll put a downloadable pdf format tutorial in place of the current one. Would be easier to print.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Photoshop Basics

Audience:Anyone who is willing to learn Photoshop.

Version:Adobe Photoshop 7.0

This tutorial has been written for Adobe Photoshop 7.0, although I assume it should be pretty similar to the earlier versions.

Navigation:Menu, Toolbox, Pelettes

Before we start modifying images, let's get comfortable with Photoshop. You will find that there are multiple
ways of doing things in Photoshop. You might want to get used to a particular style or use them all.

First thing first, the Menu.

The menu bar consists of nine menus: File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select, Filter, View, Window, and Help.
Take some time to get familiar with them. You will be using the File, Image, Layer menus a lot.

Quick Tips:

  • Arrows indicate that there is a submenu following the menu. Hover the mouse over it to open the submenu.

  • Ellipsis indicate that there is a dialog box following the menu item. Click the item to open the dialog box.

  • Keyboard shortcuts are sometimes listed next to the menu items. Try to use them as they save a ton of time.


When you first login to Photoshop, the toolbox is to the left. If it's missing, click on Window --> Tools
Hover your mouse over the tool to get a tooltip. Take a few moments now to familiarize yourself with the tool names using the tooltips.
At the bottom of the toolbox is the color swatch. You will be using this a lot to select colors for your images. The top swatch is for
the foreground color and the back one is for the background color. The little arrow lets you inter-change them. The background color can be
selected by rightclicking. It will open a color dialogbox, select your color and click ok. The color is now ready to be used.

When you first login to Photoshop, the pelettes are to the right. You can find more pelettes by clicking Window --> History, Brushes, Layers, etc.

Take a few minutes and view a few pelettes. Click on the various tabs within the pelettes. You'll notice some have menu items.
If you'd like to return the palettes to the default locations after you finish experimenting,
go to File > Preferences > General and click the button to reset Palette Locations.

Images:Open, Save,Crop,Resolution

Let's talk about resolution for a minute. Resolution is pixels per inch. A pixel is a small colored or b&w dot on your screen.

Now, on to the fun stuff - Images.

Opening an image

To open an already existing image, click on File-->Open, or use the keyboard shortcut + O
This will bring up the Open Image dialog box. Select your image file and click open.

Saving an Image.

To save an existing image that you've just modified, click File --> Save. This will overwrite the existing image.
File --> Save As is used to save the image as a new image file in the same or different format. Pick a new format if you like. Save As does not overwrite your existing image.

Cropping an Image.

As you will learn, crop is a very powerful tool. You can use it to trim out excess whitespace, distractions, to focus
on an item, and more. Play around with it and save your image.

Next part of the tutorial will cover Image and Layer menu items.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I have been cropping for a while. I have about 20 layouts (LO) done already. This blog will be a place for me to share those. I have created a gallery at
I am still a beginner at digiscrapping and most of the people there are just so good.

Anyhow, here is my link.

Shalini's Gallery

I'm going to continue adding my LOs to that gallery, until I make my own website. For now, this is it.