Diwali (last post on this topic - promise)
This post is long so better sit down for this one :)
Ok. So the day started with rain. Not entirely unexpected as there was 60% chance of precipitation. I hadn't decided as of Thursday night where I wanted to make the Rangoli. This actually made the decision easy :) It is usually made at the entrance of the house so my options were either outside the front door (more traditional), or in the Foyer. We have tile flooring so I didn't mind it inside.
DH had a meeting in the morning so he had to go in and he dropped Mehul at the daycare. I was working from home and had some stuff to do, so I worked straight through 2PM. Missed my lunch and ate breakfast while working. So then I decided I was getting behind on my to-do list for the Diwali so I took a break from working. I made the Rangoli, then made the sweet dish - Coconut Barfi, and then started thinking about lunch because my stomach was rumbling by then. It was 3, I believe. DH came home. He had gotten some fast food for himself and he brought Mehul back from daycare. He was running late for lunch too as he had his own list of things to do after work. M had the lunch and nap at the daycare so we're good there.
DH fixed me up with some frozen dosas as I couldn't decide what to eat and kept doing other things like cleaning. LOL. I have a short attention span so that's very normal for me.
Back to the Rangoli - I didn't like the colors at all. When I dyed them, they turned a nice bright color. I added more color because I thought they might lose a bit of the brightness upon drying though I was not expecting the Yellow to turn into cream. The red was better because it had other dye besides the food coloring, but I'm not happy with sand as the medium. Way too dirty (duh!). It kept running off the edges with the slightest movement of air. Mehul, of course, had a lot of fun with the left-over sand in a bag and shovel on the Kitchen floor. So, around 5 I went to Wegman's to get some flowers. I needed to make a border around it because the sand was driving me nuts. The flowers contained it a little better. But still the colors could have been brighter. Pictures are still not downloaded so I'll do those later.
I made the main dish I was supposed to make after lunch. I'm not sure what I did after - probably cleaning. DH finished vacumming the Kitchen and Family room. I dressed Mehul in the dress
he wore on his birthday. Shortly after that, he had an accident. O oh! Luckily, I found a pajama-bottom that goes well with the dress and still fits him. I got dressed in Sari and DH wore a traditional Kurta Pajama as well!
It rained the entire day so we couldn't do the fireworks. Friends arrived, everyone had food and drinks, etc. The kids started dropping off to sleep around 10. We then sat down to play cards. Gambling on Diwali night has been a tradition for ages but no one in my side of family practices that. DH says everyone in his family gambles and loses LOL! We each put $5.00 and played with 10 cent at a time (or whatever you call them). They taught me how to play. It was the most fun I've ever had on Diwali night. We played until 3AM.
We played with the fire-crackers (saved from july 4th) on Sunday night. I have pictures, just no time to upload them yet. Mehul has caught another cold, he's not well but we're sending him to daycare. He's miserable at night.