Thursday, July 26, 2007

Shoot me!

There is a lot of work drama happening that started with my asking a very valid question. Sigh. I did the right thing, but many others are under fire. I might even have to work on Sunday because of all this (their) mess.

I refused to work on Saturday because I have to go to the DC Area Stitching GTG that I've tried to attend before (3 years ago!) and couldn't. Mehul had decided to make his appearance that weekend :) Work isn't going to stop me this time around. Now I just have to find the time between now and Saturday to do grocery shopping and make the dish I want to take.

The friend I had mentioned here before, the one who was pregnant and separated from her husband, she had her baby girl yesterday. They are both doing well. I hope to get away on Sunday for a little while to see them. The idiot husband has not returned her message about the baby and not visited yet. He's pretty much out of the picture now. Grrrr.

I have this LO uploaded that hasn't been posted yet. The picture is of a lamp on my nightstand.

The journaling is about taking pictures and my Rebel. I'll have to increase the font before printing!
Credits: Shadows are by me following Misty Cato's Realistic Shadow Tutorial
Rest of the credits will be updated later.

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