Friday, December 21, 2007

Yet another hobby

Beading! As in beaded jewelery making. Last weekend I went to the Gem and Jewelery Show and bought a bunch of gems, beads, pearls etc. Now, what should I do with those..lets see..Ofcourse, lets make jewelery! I have actually made 2 pairs of earrings so far. I'm loving this! I am very motivated when results are instant. So ofcourse everything else takes a back seat for now. I did read 2 books this month as well, but mostly I'm taking out the beads every night and planning what to do with them. And with Mehul right beside me, it means he wants to touch them as well. He has selected one particular strand of rectangular Agate that he pretends is the Black Train. Heee

So no wonder blogging and scrapping are taking a back seat. My online time is consumed in searching cheap sources for beading. I've found Fire Mountain Gems and placed an order with them last night for the materials needed to make jewelery - wire, crimp beads, clasps, metal beads, etc. I can hardly wait for the stuff to get here so I can get going on making matching necklace/bracelets. This site is great for instructions with pictures.

In other news, I did get to watch the 'Bee' last weekend as well. AWESOME movie. Definitely getting this one on DVD, but then, we enjoy animated movies more than normal people would LOL!

Lastly, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

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