Friday, August 15, 2008

Rakhi, Independence Day and Teej

First off, today is Indian Independence Day - so Happy Independence Day to any Indians out there. Tomorrow is Rakhi. It is the festival of celebrating the bond between brothers and sisters. I have talked about it before so I won't go into details. I just wanted to show a picture of the Rakhis that have arrived for DH and Mehul!

So, tomorrow morning before breakfast, I'll be proxy-sister to both of them and tie their rakhis :LOL

Next up, Teej is on Tuesday. That is the day when I get to fast until moon-rise, dress up in nice clothes and perform rites for the moon. I will be home this time. It is too stressful trying to work and get back home in time to prepare for the evening. I will be working because there are project deadlines but it's ok as long as I'm home.

Now for some stitching. My first Biscornu. I skipped the bead in the center. I like it this way.

Sorry for the hurried list - Michael Phelps is on in a few minutes. There is a special project I've started with the start of the Olympics and I will post about it tomorrow hopefully.


Anonymous said...

Love the biscornu! You did a great job finishing it.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to learn of this holiday! It fell on my baby brother's birthday, in fact, and we are very close. I tried to find out online if it's always August 16, but I couldn't find out about that. Shalini, does it change year to year? Thanks!

I love learning about your traditions and holidays. It's so fascinating to me.

Anonymous said...

Hindus follow Lunar calendar which changes every year so none of the festivals fall on the same day. Just to add to our confusion LOL!
and Happy Birthday to your brother.

Thanks for the compliment :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Shalini!

Take care.