Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Mehul Funny

When Mommy meets Mehul after school.

Mommy: Mehul, so what did you do at school today?
Mehul: In a Paper.
Mommy: What?
Mehul(yelling): IT'S IN A PAPER!!
Mommy: Oooookay.

He was referring to the sheet he gets from the daycare which lists all the daily activities. I can't wait for the teenage years.


Anonymous said...

what a dialogue :) why don't you scan the list and create a layout.. You can ad this dialog as the journaling .....

Anonymous said...

Oh great idea, Buddhini!! I was thinking of doing a LO with this, but didn't think of scanning the daily report. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My kids never said much about their day either! They're still pretty quiet, like their dad.

How cute.

Anonymous said...

omg!! That was so cute.....