Sunday, May 6, 2007

Amateur Photography

Taken with my brand spankin new Canon Rebel XT. Here are some photos taken very early in the learning process. Long ways to go ...

Mommy, let's go outside..

Some bloomage.

My sister gave me this pretty jewelery box when I got married

A milk moustache. Charming.

My companion when I run..

I gave this doggie to DH when he was coming to the US after we were engaged. Yes, we still have it in a (relatively) good condition. Mehul plays with it.

And a WIP Update.


Anonymous said...

Ack! Now you're really trying to make me look bad. Better scrapping, and now with a better camera! I don't stand a chance, LOL. Nice perspective and depth of field on the photo of the jewelry box.

Anonymous said...

I love see your AoL updates - it looks like we are working in opposite directions. I haven't completed the sections you have done. I need to post a new pic of mine too, but mom got a new camera (it may have been a Canon Rebel as well, I know it was a Canon) so dad wanted the small one that was in my custody back.

Anonymous said...

*drool* DH and I have been drooling over the Canon Rebel for years now! Great photos!