Monday, May 14, 2007

Can I be any more absent minded?

I forgot to bring my work laptop with me. To work. This is right up there with the time when I showed up for work on a holiday.
DH went right back home and brought it for me (we were carpooling and he had the car) but this was pretty stupid. I generally don't take the laptop home with me so in order to not forget to bring it, I keep it with my purse near the kitchen desk or on the stairs where i sit to put my shoes on. Yesterday, we were getting ready to paint the Family room so I removed everything from there and all the Family room stuff is *everywhere*. But it is no excuse.

Anyhow, we bought 2 fans yesterday as well as the paint for Family Room. Name of the shade of paint is 'Ornate gold' or something like that. It's a really pretty shade of mustardy gold. We got these fans - for family room and Master BR.
Hunter 52" Yorkshire at Lowes. The center part has English Bronze finish and the blades are Dark Walnut.

Hunter 52" Georgetown at Lowes. This has one Umber finish with fontanta accents (no idea what that is) and the blades are reversible, Antique Cherry/Bretton Forest. I love this one more.

I know they're very similar in color and style. I can't decide which one goes where. Probably doesn't matter that much. Decisions Decisions.

We have never installed a ceiling fan before, it ought to be an interesting job. I'll post pictures when it's all done and the room is ready.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Hey, I can laugh. I did it more than once when I was working downtown. Only twice, I think, but yeah, it happens. Don't feel bad, it's not just you! And trust me, if DH and I can install ceiling fans by ourselves, then anyone can! We just are not "handy" people, but they were very easy to do (assuming you are replacing an existing light fixture; if you need to cut a hole and wire it, then I wish you luck!).

Anonymous said...

Hey No worries!! Happens a lot. Happens to me also....I guess it's very common..
As for ceiling fans...installing them shouldn't be a problem. Here, in this house we don't need one ( All Central A/C). Had them in the old one.. Good luck!!