Friday, April 20, 2007

Books Books and some more

I've been reading like I have to give an exam next week. In the past 2 weeks (?) I have finished reading 5 books! I used to be an avid reader back home but haven't done very much since I landed in the US. Other things always took priority somehow. Now that I've visited my local Library I'm bringing dozens of books home! And DH and Mehul are totally addicted as well, though sadly, DH is still into comic books *snicker* Asterix

I'm still trying to find what genre I like best so I've read a couple of different types.

Juvenile Fiction
Far Traveler by Rebecca Tingle
Circle of Magic - Sandry's Book by Tamora Pierce
The Hobbit (Reread)

Warning Signs * by Stephen White

Night Shield by Nora Roberts

* - The timing of my reading this book kinda spooked/disturbed me a little. The VA-Tech shootings happened a day or two after my finishing this book. The story revolves around a Psychologist's patient trying to identify 'warning signs' in her son for avoiding another Columbine. The Psychologist himself struggles with the doctor-patient privilege and figuring out how to avoid a potential disaster. Really well written.

A few upcoming reads in my queue - Critical Conditions / Stephen White, Natural born charmer / Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Sacred Sins / Nora Roberts

I also got Photoshop CS2 for Dummies and tried a technique in the LO below. I learned how to selectively colorize B&W photos (or any photo, really). Check it out! Scrapped it last night.

Everything from ScrapArtist

BTW, if any digiscrapper is reading this, Meredith Fenwick is having a cute little contest to dress up a DoodleBird. I had so much fun with this LO last night.

Everything by Meredith Fenwick.

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