Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer is definitely here

This weekend was so relaxing. We did not have anyone over, we didn't go errand-running (except a trip to Walmart - Diaper Emergency!), heck I didn't even clean the way I usually do. Mehul and I went to the library on Saturday but that was a short trip. Mostly, we just stayed inside or played in the backyard.
Saturday - DH helped us setup the Slip-N-Slide in the backyard and then he went to get the car fixed. Mehul and I stayed outside for about 2 hours. I put my chair next to him and continued my reading. He really enjoyed it. After this, trip to the library. I am so impressed by our Library's Collection. So far, there are *very* few books I've wanted to read and haven't found at the Library. There are actually 6 branches and I can request books from other branches too. Their catalog and request system is online as well, it's very convenient.
Sunday - Father's Day. I made DH one of his favorite dishes - Puri Aloo for lunch. I also let him sleep-in in the morning and had breakfast ready when he came down (he usually makes breakfast on weekdays). Later in the day, Mehul and I baked a cake for him! We're actually cutting it today because we all were so stuffed yesterday. We inflated a kiddie pool for Mehul. We actually got a high efficiency pump for it and still it was such a pain to inflate the pool. We're just keeping it inflated indoors (basement is unfinished so no one really goes there). I took pictures! I'll share them soon I promise.

Here's a Summer themed LO. I actually did it a couple of weeks ago but never got around to posting it.

Michelle Coleman's Beautiful Journey available at Little Dreamer Designs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, Shalini! I really really love this layout. I don't really know what specifically about it speaks to me, but it is stunning!