Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Anyone need a scarf?

Parents are gone. We had a 4 day weekend (no holiday, just vacation time). I have been knitting. A lot. DH is very bored and missing *my* parents more than I am. Does anyone else think there is something wrong with that? Besides me.

So, in order to distract myself from the emptiness of the house after my parents left on Friday, I started a scarf for Mehul. And this morning, I put the last stitches (knits/purls?) into it. It's the best one yet. Wait till you see it :D Pictures coming soon. There might be a booty in there as well :D

I was watching a hindi movie (Kabhi Alwida Na Kehna) and started noticing the scarves the actors were wearing. Instantly, I opened photoshop and noted a lot of the ideas. And came up with a bunch of new ones. Now I'm definitely a knitter, right? Because I'm coming up with scarf ideas :) I have plans to make vertical striped scarf and a boxy scarf. And a black and white very stripy scarf. We'll see how far I get. I usually have grand ideas, not so grand execution.

What else is new? I got wallpaper for the Library. Yes, wallpaper! Sometime in near future, we'll be putting it up. Hubby refused to co-operate last night or we'd have a nicely done wall by now. The plan is to do only one wall first, see if we like it, then finish the remaining 2.5 walls. Wish us luck with this one! If this goes well, we plan on putting wallpaper in Mehul's room and possibly the dining room as well.


Anonymous said...

Nope, you can't be a real knitter. If you were, you wouldn't be worrying about what to do with that many scarves, you'd just make them anyway! LOL And no, we don't need any; doesn't get cold enough down here. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm sad your parents had to leave earlier than you thought. So wonderful you had some time with them, and I hope you get to see them again soon.