Tuesday, November 7, 2006

This is a stitching related post

Finally, current status of my 10 Projects (I have only identified 8 so far..)
1.TW Heart Sampler
2.TW Harvest Sampler
3.Victoria Sampler Gazebo Roses
4 & 5. EMS Frog Baby, Bumble Bee Baby
6.The small Chatelaine Sampler I had started
7.Fanta Cat Desings Gypsy Allure
And finally,
8.TW Tradewinds

I'm debating if I should add the Angel of Love to this mix, considering that it is the one that I'm actually stitching currently! It's a huge project (and so are all the TWs). Probably not a good idea. If I make considerable progress on it soon(ish) then I'll add it :p Is that cheating?

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