Friday, February 2, 2007

Not a good ending

to the week. All the work I'd done yesterday on my Virtual Machine is gone. I use VM software for work. It's basically a whole machine with it's own operating system, disk allocation, memory allocation in a file. It appears that the file has gone corrupt. Though it's possible that the external hard disk it was on might have bad sectors. I'm hoping that's the case because that means I'll be able to save some of it. I'm checking the disk for errors rightnow. It has been running for over an hour. If this doesn't fix the problem, I'll have to redo all the work from yesterday. Argh!!!

BTW, I wanted to post that I don't want to seem like I was being too judgmental about the other mom's child rearing methods. We all think we know what's right for *our* kids. I feel that way and I'm sure others do too!

Scrapping - There have been a few layouts done that'll show up here over the weekend (because I don't feel like posting rightnow). Scrappers, I hope you know that The Digi Shoppe is having a 50% off sale until Sunday! I already snagged some goodies this morning.

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