Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscars Fashion

This time there weren't as many badly dressed elements as I had hoped! I missed the beginning of the red carpet segment on E! so forgive me if I don't include someone.
Here are some of the best dressed - in my humble opinion ofcourse.

I just loved the shimmer in her gown and the sparkly bit at the top. I'd have done earrings instead of the pendant but still, she was Stunning!

I love her hair, the dress was just perfect.

Love the way the gown cascades.

And here are some not so nicely dressed.

Is this the belt of the Baby Bjorn Ellen was offering to hand out? Did the seat fall off? What's that awfully ugly thing in her hand?

Did she look in the mirror after trying that dress?

I don't hate the dress but the hair? OMG! Shall we say 'Kool Aid!'

What's up with all the flowers? And the back? I can feel the cockroaches. Ewwwww!!!

And lastly, he was holding her the entire time he was talking and posing. Like she was going to run away!

To keep the tradition going, I again fell asleep right before the best awards were about to be given away. Always happens, no biggie {Rolleyes}

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